Celebrity you’re 2nd

Let’s Blame 3 People for the Heart-Break Café (II) 

   By Moffat Machingura

Dear Celebrity. The day you made a big Cinema thriller, you appeared in every magazine and TV station – you did not mind the pictures. But the day you divorced, you crept behind your dark sunglasses and screamed “privacy.” (Like George Clooney after he divorced Isabella, 2011)  Above that you gave an awkward excuse, “it was not meant to be.” Mr. and Miss. Celebrity what do you mean “privacy”?

You shared your success keys, claiming you wanted to inspire the world into greatness. But today we can see you were simply being pompous. If it was for our greatness that you did not mind appearing in People, Hello and Newsweek in your success days, then today you still would not mind sharing with us how you failed in the most basic institute of life – love institute. Why did you work hard to make it in money and fame, but was so lazy to take love seriously? You thought it was a game and you made yourself a major player? Where you so foolish to realize we live once, play is for kids and you have got only one heart?

Friends, our famous fellow citizens owe us an explanation. They must stop screaming privacy or sounding pompous. They are busy hiding their weaknesses behind human rights. They are responsible for why Mom and Daddy always quarreled, why the one who takes away your virginity never marries you and if marriage happens, it will not be for long. It is these celebrities who make love a game, (marrying today but divorcing tomorrow) and make this a wild world, just by harboring their own weaknesses.

Dear Celebrity, you are not going to get away with this. A time will come, and now is that time, that for every heartbreak you cause and every divorce or domestic violence you incite, you will pay. You will pay to your partner and the state. Or you will have to stand up and tell the world the truth, tell them you are just a non-loving, self-centered creature in the limelight.

Friends, how many of you have ever been into a church and saw the podium from which pastors preach? Christians have a tendency of banning misconduct preachers off the podium. (They call it cleansing.)
Personally I think the time has come for this wide world to do the same if it is to demolish this Heartbreak Café forever. Let’s cleanse unworthy egoistic celebrities off our life pages. They are using us, playing and betraying us. We must show them who... But I love You Celebrity!!!

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